This page was last updated by Art G. Granzeier III on Monday, 16 March 2020

Granz's Picnic Page

One of our family's favorite activities was to go on a family picnic. Now that the kids have all moved out, we can still go on picnics by ourselves, with friends, or with the grandkids. With some simple preparation, this can be a very low-cost, very simple activity.

We like to pack what we call a picnic kit in our car. This consists of a box with a small pack of paper plates, some plastic utensils, several of the little condiment packs or some small jars of condiments, a bag of chips or pretzels, some paper or plastic cups, and maybe a couple packs of drink mix with an empty plastic jug. With this in the car, we can go on a picnic with literally only minutes of preparation time. We simply get in the car, hit a local grocery store to pick up a loaf of bread and a couple packs of lunch meat - deli if there's a sale going on ;) A few dollars to cover this could even be put inside the picnic kit and there will be no "out of pocket" expenses for the picnic.
The City of Pittsburgh, Department of Parks and Recreation has set up a parks web site. For those of you in the Pittsburgh area (or planning a visit), check out This has a nice listing of the parks inside the city.